Spring 2012 Events
The Fit For All Ages Program Comes to the Rec Center
MSRA in conjunction with the South Colchester
Community Health Board is sponsoring a six-week spring fitness program, Fit For All Ages. For
information email msreacreationassn@gmail.com. Come and enjoy:
- Mondays—Seniors'
Exercises—10-11am, April 2-May 7. Instructor: Diane Jackson. $2
drop-in fee per class.
- Mondays—Yoga
Classes—6:30-7:30 pm, April 23-June 4. Instructor: Linda Campbell.
$2 drop-in fee per class.
- Wednesdays—Organized
Youth Sports Night—6:30-7:15 pm ages 4-8, 7:15-8 pm ages 9 and up,
April 25- May 30. Instructor: Charles DeBay. Please note that parents
must sign their child in and out. NO FEE.
- Thursdays—Zumba Classes—6:30-7:30pm. April 26-May 31. Instructor: Jennifer Weatherby. $2 drop-in fee per class.
Free babysitting
services will be offered during the yoga and Zumba classes. Come and
participate, have fun, and get fit for summer!!!
Kids’ Clothing and Toy Sale
April 28
is the date for the spring Kids’ Clothing and Toy Sale from 9:30 am to noon. Admission
$1. Anyone interested in selling is asked to email msrecreationassn@gmail.com.
Bottle Drive
The annual
bottle drive is May 5, so save those items that carry a deposit. If you are not
going to be home that day and have bottles to donate please email
msrecreationassn@gmail.com to arrange alternative pickup.