Spring Events
Variety Show: March 29 starting at 7 pm
Celebrate spring after this very long and cold winter by attending our Variety Concert March 29 starting at 7 pm. We will showcase local talent and provide an excellent evening of entertainment. There will be a canteen and a 50/50 draw. Admission $5 per person or $15 for a family with preschool-aged children admitted free.
Yoga with Linda Campbell returns to the Rec on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Hour-long yoga classes will start on April 1 and run until May 13. Admission is $5/night. Classes begin at 6:30 pm.
Stewiacke Valley Shopping & Business Expo: April 12 9 am-2 pm
Shop local and reduce your carbon footprint at our second Stewiacke Valley Shopping & Business Expo showcasing local businesses, artisans and craftspeople. There will be lunch for purchase, door prizes, and admission is free. The Expo will be held April 12 from 9 am to 2 pm.
Kids' Clothing and Toy Sale: April 26 9:30 am-noon
The kids' clothing and toy sale will be held April 26 from 9:30 am to noon. Admission $1.Those interested in selling please email msrecreationassn@gmail.com
Bottle Drive
We are not having a formal bottle drive this year. However, MSRA has been registered at the Subway Bottle Exchange on Pictou Road in Bible Hill, and you can ask that any return from your bottles be donated to us directly through them when you drop them off. We can also make arrangements for you to drop items off or have them picked up. Please email msrecreationassn@gmail.com for information.
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General meeting was held on Feb. 2 with Sandra Chaplin returning as Chairperson, Jeannie McCurdy as the Treasurer, Brian McCurdy as the Vice Chairperson and Kim White as Secretary. Jennifer Fisher, Kirk Redden and Marianne Lohnes returned as directors. Membership fees were set at $1.
Thanks to the County of Colchester for the grant that went towards two new doors and three new windows at the Rec Center.