Spring Events
Variety Show--Saturday, March 28 starting at 7 pm. Celebrate spring after this very snowy February by attending our Variety Concert. We will showcase local talent, have a canteen available featuring the ever-famous fudge donated by local bakers, and a 50/50 draw. Admission $5/person or $15 for a family with preschoolers admitted free. Email msrecreationassn@gmail.com for information.Kids' Clothing and Toy Sale--April 25 from 9:30 am to noon. Admission $1. Those interested in selling please email us for info.
Spring Craft Sale & Business Expo--May 2 from 9 am to 1 pm. The Expo will provide an opportunity for local artists, crafts persons, community groups, home-based businesses, and other businesses large and small to display, promote, and sell their goods and services in the community. There will be lunch for purchase, door prizes, and admission is free. Email us for information.
Seniors’ Dance--Friday, May 22 from 8 to 11 pm featuring the Last Chance Band. Admission is $5; there will be a 50/50 draw and a shared lunch.
Kitty's Bound for Broadway Show--Sunday May 24 starting at 2 pm. Kerry Miller will host a one-woman, light-hearted show with original songs in advance of her performance in Scotland in August. There will be a meet and greet after the show, a 50/50 draw and more of that excellent fudge for sale. Admission $5/person.
Kung Fu with Raymond Fleck is continuing at the Rec on Tuesday and Saturday nights. Email us for information.